Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Knowledge Economy: Indian Perspective


  • Dr. Dharmendra Mehta,Dr. Naveen K Mehta Abhishek Triapthi,Er Rajesh K Mehta Reader, FMS PtJNIBM, Vikram University, Ujjain*


SMEs, Economic Development, Employment, Cost, Production


Today’s economy is known as a “Knowledge-Based Economy” as knowledge is becoming the most important source and learning is becoming the most important process. Competitive edge is less resulting from access to physical resources and more from the aptitude of organizations and societies to produce ideas and to interpret them into economic and social value. In this globalised world, acquaintance and logical skills are becoming critical to create and develop products and services, generate more efficient distribution and marketing techniques and guarantee the real customer satisfaction. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have to play a key role in the growth of the country. SMEs have their prominence in developing as well as developed countries, which is very important in countries like India with huge accumulation of unemployment in the metropolitan sections of the economy. This paper makes an attempt to study role of SMEs in knowledge economy in Indian perspective.



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