
  • Manish Kumar Research Scholar, Barktulah University, Bhopal MP


process, moment, socio-cultural changes



The process of migration is a complex one as it involves variety of challenges both for the migrants and for the locality as well. The society and social institutions of migrants are subjected to change and they undergo several changes or modifications to fit into this changing system. Theoretically speaking, there remains the possibility of the migrants adopting the new cultural perspectives, new ideologies and beliefs from the very first moment they join the new society and consequently they may also bring these changes to the place of origin.

But, in reality, these changes might not be revolutionary to replace ‘tradition’ with ‘modernity’. The experience of socio-cultural changes in India during the last century reflects the resilience of cultural tradition irrespective of social and cultural differences of communities. Hence, we need to study the cultural changes among the seasonal migrants from a critical point of view. It is also to be kept in mind the seasonal migrants do not stay at the place of destination for long and they maintain close link with their natal village and society. Hence, it would of much interest to locate change and continuity in the socio-cultural life of these migrants. Let me now explore the different dimensions of the impact of migration on seasonal migrants:


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