


Murraya koenigii, Ayurvedic, Medicinal Property


Since long period of time, developing countries have been using medicinal plants or their bioactive compounds in their primary and traditional healthcare systems. The current review is an attempt to provide traditional uses and pharmacological properties of one of the important ayurvedic plant and its treatment in various types of ailments. Murraya koenigii, a medicinally important herb from particularly Asian origin, has a wide variety of therapeutic uses in many ancient systems of medicine, including Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani. A variety of active phytoconstituents containing significant essential oils have been isolated and characterised from different parts of plant. It is anti-microbial, anti-cancerous, anti -inflammatory, anti-oxidant and also shown anti-diabetic potential


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Mani V, Parle M, Antiamnesic potential of Murraya koenigii leaves, Phytother Res, 2008/2009; 23, 308- 316.

Snighdha S, Darvekar VM, Patil VR, Choudhari AB, Anti-inflammatory activity of Murraya koenigii

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Bhattacharya K, Samanta SK, Tripathi R, Mallick A, Chandra S, Pal BC, et al, Apoptotic effects of

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Bid protein and via mitochondrial pathways, BiochemPharmacol, 79, 2010; 361-372.

AmnaUlil, Halimatussakdiah, Wahyuningsih P, Saidi N, Nasution R, Evaluation of Cytotoxic Activity from

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Journal of Advance Pharmaceutical Technolnogy and Research, 10, 2019; 51–55.

Khan BA, Abraham A, Leelamma S, Murraya koenigi and Brassica juncea--alterations on lipid profile in

-2 dimethyl hydrazine induced colon carcinogenesis, Invest New Drugs, 14, 1996; 365-369.

Ismail A., Noolu B., Gogulothu R., Perugu S., Rajanna A., Babu S.K. Cytotoxicity and Proteasome

Inhibition by Alkaloid Extract from Murraya koenigii Leaves in Breast Cancer Cells-Molecular Docking

Studies. J. Med. Food. 2016; 19:1155–1165.

Yeap S.K., Abu N., Mohamad N.E., Beh B.K., Ho W.Y., Ebrahimi S., Yusof H.M., Ky H., Tan S.W., Alitheen

N.B. Chemopreventive and immunomodulatory effects of Murraya koenigii aqueous extract on 4T1 breast

cancer cell-challenged mice. BMC Complement. Altern. Med. 2015; 4:306.

Noolu B., Gogulothu R., Bhat M., Qadri S.S.Y.H., Sudhakar Reddy V., Bhanuprakash Reddy G., Ismail A.

In Vivo Inhibition of Proteasome Activity and Tumour Growth by Murraya koenigii Leaf Extract in Breast

Cancer Xenografts and by Its Active Flavonoids in Breast Cancer Cells. Anticancer Agents Med.

Chem. 2016; 16:1605–1614.

Samanta S.K., Kandimalla R., Gogoi B., Dutta K.N., Choudhury P., Deb P.K., Devi R., Pal B.C., Talukdar

N.C. Phytochemical portfolio and anticancer activity of Murraya koenigii and its primary active

component, mahanine. Pharmacol. Res. 2018; 129:227–236.

| P a g e

Garg SC. Antifungal activity of the essential oils. Indian J. Pharm. 1974; 36:46.

Singh L, Sharma MURRAYA Antifungal properties of some plant extracts. Geobios. 1978; 5(2):49.

Shah K.J, Juvekar A.R., Positive inotropic effect of Murraya Koenigii (Linn.) spreng extract on an isolated

perfused frog heart, Indian Journal of Experimental Biology., 2006; 44(6): 481-484.

Kumar A, Tripathi A, Dora J, Tripathi R., Antihelmintic activity of methanolic extract of Murraya koenigii

leaves (Linn), International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences., 2011; 2(4),


Pagariya A, Chatur S, Nawab F, In vitro anthelmintic activity of root extract of Murraya koenigii (linn)

spreng, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovations, 3, 2013; 111–114.

Vandana Jain et al. Murraya Koenigii: An Updated Review, International journal of ayurvedic & herbal

medicine, Aug, 2012; 2(4): 607-627).

Shah Rajesh Kumar et al. Medicinal Property of Murraya Koenigii- A Review, Int. Res. J. Biological Sci.,

September, 2013; 2(9): 80-83.

Darvekar V.M, Patil V.R, Choudhari AB., Anti-inflammatory activity of Murraya koeniggi Spreng on

experimental animals, Journal of Natural Product and Plant Resourse., 2011; 1(1), 65-69.

Prasad G.B.K.S, Dua V.K., Anti-inflammatory activity of leaves extract of Murraya koenigii L.

International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences., 2011; 2(1), 541-544.

Bhandri P.R., Curry leaf (Murraya koenigii) or cure leaf: Review of its curative properties, Journal of

Medical Nutrition and Nutraceuticals., 2012; 1(2): 92-97.

Mani V, Ramasamy K, Ahmad A, Wahab SN, Effects of the total alkaloidal extract of Murraya koenigii

leaf on oxidative stress and cholinergic transmission in aged mice, Phytother Res,2013; 27(1),46-53.

Mani V, Parle M, Antiamnesic potential of Murraya koenigii leaves, Phytother Res, 2008/2009; 23, 308- 316.

Snighdha S, Darvekar VM, Patil VR, Choudhari AB, Anti-inflammatory activity of Murraya koenigii

Spreng on experimental animals, J Nat Product Plant Resour ,2011; 1,65–9

Bhattacharya K, Samanta SK, Tripathi R, Mallick A, Chandra S, Pal BC, et al, Apoptotic effects of

mahanine on human leukemic cells are mediated through crosstalk between Apo-1/Fas signaling and the

Bid protein and via mitochondrial pathways, BiochemPharmacol, 79, 2010; 361-372.

AmnaUlil, Halimatussakdiah, Wahyuningsih P, Saidi N, Nasution R, Evaluation of Cytotoxic Activity from

Temurui (Murraya koenigii [Linn.] Spreng) Leaf Extracts Against Hela Cell Line Using MTT Assay,

Journal of Advance Pharmaceutical Technolnogy and Research, 10, 2019; 51–55.

Khan BA, Abraham A, Leelamma S, Murraya koenigi and Brassica juncea--alterations on lipid profile in

-2 dimethyl hydrazine induced colon carcinogenesis, Invest New Drugs, 14, 1996; 365-369.

Ismail A., Noolu B., Gogulothu R., Perugu S., Rajanna A., Babu S.K. Cytotoxicity and Proteasome

Inhibition by Alkaloid Extract from Murraya koenigii Leaves in Breast Cancer Cells-Molecular Docking

Studies. J. Med. Food. 2016; 19:1155–1165.

Yeap S.K., Abu N., Mohamad N.E., Beh B.K., Ho W.Y., Ebrahimi S., Yusof H.M., Ky H., Tan S.W., Alitheen

N.B. Chemopreventive and immunomodulatory effects of Murraya koenigii aqueous extract on 4T1 breast

cancer cell-challenged mice. BMC Complement. Altern. Med. 2015; 4:306.

Noolu B., Gogulothu R., Bhat M., Qadri S.S.Y.H., Sudhakar Reddy V., Bhanuprakash Reddy G., Ismail A.

In Vivo Inhibition of Proteasome Activity and Tumour Growth by Murraya koenigii Leaf Extract in Breast

Cancer Xenografts and by Its Active Flavonoids in Breast Cancer Cells. Anticancer Agents Med.

Chem. 2016; 16:1605–1614.

Samanta S.K., Kandimalla R., Gogoi B., Dutta K.N., Choudhury P., Deb P.K., Devi R., Pal B.C., Talukdar

N.C. Phytochemical portfolio and anticancer activity of Murraya koenigii and its primary active

component, mahanine. Pharmacol. Res. 2018; 129:227–236.





