Social and Economic Impact of COVID-19 in India: A Review study


  • Dr. Bharat Bhati


COVID-19, Socio-economic Impact, COVID–19 pandemic


We are facing a global health crisis unlikeany in the 75-year history of the UnitedNations one that is killing people, spreadinghuman suffering, and upending people’s lives. But this is much more than a healthcrisis. It is a human, economic and socialcrisis. The coronavirus disease which hasbeen characterized as a pandemic by theWorld Health Organization (WHO) isattacking societies at their core. The responses to the Covid-19 pandemic are simply the amplification of the dynamic thatdrives other social and ecologicalcrises. The coronavirusoutbreak is severely disrupting the globaleconomy. The economic sector of most of the countries has been badly affected. Therefore, this study is an attempt to highlight the major impacts of the Covid-19 on social and economic sectors of India

On the Basis of Secondary data, this descriptive article tried to discuss the impact of COVID 19 Lockdown socio-economic status of Country. The COVID-19 crisis has exposed the vulnerabilities of individuals, societies and economies, calling for a rethink of how economic and social activities are organised. The crisis calls for strong responses based on solidarity, co-operation and responsibility.The all sectors of the economy has been disproportionately affected and even within a sector, there is a disproportionate loss. The societal impacts are dire too with job losses, mental illness, increased domestic violence, and so forth.


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