
  • Rajesh Kumar Ankur Yadav


School System, Which Respond To The Immediacy Of Information Of Growing Up Years, Can Become Safe And Enabling Spaces. This Is More True Today Than Ever Before, Given The Challenges Of Hiv/Aids, Growing Percentage Of Adolescent Mothers, Unsafe Abortion Etc. Global Evidence Shows That Effective Adolescent School Based Programme Can Reduce The Impact Of These Vulnerable Factors, Yet Coverage Remains Low, Intervention Remain Information Driven And Few Programmes Are Genuinely Participatory. More So, Many Adolescent School Health Activities Or Programmes Are Organized In A Random Manner Limiting To One Or Two Speeches From Experts, Celebrating A Health Day Or Organizing Yearly Health Checkups. Rarely There Is A Continuity Between The Objectives, Activities Organized, Follow Up And Evaluation Of Programme Activities.


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Byrnes, J.P. 2003. Changing view on the nature and prevention of adolescent risk taking. In D.Romer (Ed.), Reducing adolescent risk risk: Toward an integrated approach ( pp.11-17. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Erikson,E. 1968. Identity: Youth and crisis, New York: Norton.

Hubley,J. Interventions targeted at youth aimed at influencing sexual behaviour and AIDS/STDs. Leeds Health Education Database, April, 2000.

NCERT. Adolescent Education. Report of the National Seminar, Department of Education in Social Sciences and Humanities, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi. 1993.

NCERT. Adolescent Education in Schools. Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi, 1999.

Oberg, C. Hogan, M., Bertrand, J., & Juve, C. 2002. Health care access, sexually transmitted diseases, and adolescents: Identifying barriers and creating solutions. Current Problems in Pediatric Adolescent Health care, 32,315-339.

Population and Adolescent Education- A training Package, Population and Development Cell, Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi.

ICPD. United Nations. International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, Egypt, 1994. UNDP, ICPD Programme of Action, (1994), New York, United Nations, 1995.

UNAIDS. Impact of HIV and Sexual health education on the sexual behaviour of young people: a review update, 1997.


