Impact of Social Networking on Physical and Mental Health of Students A Study of College Going Students


  • Dr Devendra Kumar Dhusia


(SN)Social networking, Social networking addiction, Indian Youth, Facebook, Twitter


Social Networking has changed the way we live especially the Indian youth, as social networking platforms are time consuming and Indian youth have ample time. This paper is discussing about impact of social networking and its effects on Indian youth in future. Future of any country depends upon youth and if youth are using SN (social networking) that means we have to study social networking and its optimum use for India youth for development. The effort has been made in this paper to analyze the pattern of usage to see whether they have been caught in the trap of Social Networking addiction. For the same, a study of university students was taken as sample including Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University) Delhi University and GGIP University of Delhi.


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