Untouchables: The Existential Dilemma of Subalterns


  • Dr. Ashish Gupta


Margin, Subaltern, caste system, untouchable,


Mulk Raj Anand’s first novel Untouchable came in 1935, which focuses on the hopeless existence of subalterns who endeavor to change their current state by entering the middle from the margin, however their undertaking self-destructs with regards to confront reality. Mulk Raj Anand in his anecdotal discourse attempts to voice the pickle of untouchables in Indian culture. The story rotates around the happenings in a solitary day in the lives of specific untouchables having a place with two distinct ages. Bakha, the child of Lakha and sibling of Sohini and Rakha, is the focal figure of the novel. The entire story is told from his perspective. It is his subaltern situation as an untouchable and through him all different untouchables which is the matter of worry in the novel


Anand, Mulk Raj, (1970) Untouchable, New Delhi: Hind Pocket Books.

Cowasjee, Saros (1987) So Many Freedom: A Study of the Major Fiction of Mulk RajAnand, New Delhi : Rupa.

Forster, E.M, (1935) Preface to M. R. Anand’s Untouchable, London, The Boldley Head. Naik, M.K., (1973) Mulk Raj Anand, New Delhi, Arnold Heinemann.

Paul, Premila, (1978) The Novels of Mulk Raj

Anand : A Thematic Study, New Delhi: Sterling Publishers.




