An Analysis on Need of Entrepreneurship Skills for Professional


  • Dr.Amit Kumar Gupta


Entrepreneurship, Skills


The study aims to identify the needs of the Entrepreneurship Skills for Professionals. An entrepreneur is a person who takes all the risk to create a business, the process while building the company is called entrepreneurship. In addition to this, entrepreneurship also contributes to economic wealth, expansion, innovation, and development. An entrepreneur arranges, manages, and assumes the risks of a business. Further, there are many entrepreneurship skills set which are required in professionals. In this report, considerable skills are described to become a successful entrepreneur. Moreover, an entrepreneurial opportunity comes from classifying a problem and making a thoughtful effort to crack that problem. In this report, many reasons described why entrepreneurship skill is required for an entrepreneur. The present report briefly explains the concept of entrepreneurship, surveyed by the presentation of the methodology used to build skill development frameworks and analyze and get precise results. Finally, the report concludes with implications for practice and finding


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