The Effect of Family Income on Grade Point Average (GPA) for Universities Students


  • Dr.Amit Kumar Gupta


Grade Point Average(GPA), Financial background of family, University Students.


GPA is the most notable powerful predictor which not only determines the academic performance of a student but also assists a strong association with family financial background, income and living standard. GPA demonstrates the high potential to effectively analyze student capability through several measures. It enables students to effectively pursue student performance, equip students to be interpreted impartially on the egalitarian ground and transparent medium for the processing to manage their efficiency, capabilities, and productivity. All relevant grading systems appreciate and reward multi-skill learners. In the GPA student performance in the allocated course, is a variable that is applied to summarise their overall performance. GPA appreciates students for sustaining high levels of achievement in a multidimensional course. This study deals with the descriptive analysis of the financial background of the student and its impact on his curriculum academic activities specifically on their Grade Point Average(GPA).


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