Experience speaks or the experienced explores: Understanding the autobiographical elements in the works of Thomas Hardy and RK Narayan


  • Dr Shibani Basu Dubey Dr Ruchi Mishra Tiwari


Aesthetics, human experience, behaviour, psychology, individuality, personality, rural, irony, tragedy


Hardy and Narayan have given us deep psychological study of men and women. They realize that a circle of everyday, humdrum, common people could supply material of infinite human possibilities of thought and action; and, like Chaucer, they did it with joyful and sometimes sorrowful detachment. The vitality of their characters never runs dry. They are not like delicate machines going on for an allotted course of actions. This quality of everlasting freshness is a token of human reality; for human beings even the most ordinary of them, have the immense possibility to provoke thought and inspire creation of a great work of art and this is precisely what Hardy and Narayan have done. This research paper endeavours to trace the autobiographical elements which have been at the background of creativity of these two writers


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