Rural Entrepreneurship Be Catalyst for Economic Growth and Rural Development in India with Special Reference to Satna District (M.P.)


  • Upashna Gupta Dr. Vijay Singh Parihar


Catalyst, rural entrepreneurs, rural development


In the technology of globalization, rural entrepreneurship withinside the rural context is an essential supply of financial increase. According to 2011 Census 68.84% human beings are dwelling in rural regions of India. People in rural regions go through with unemployment, bad infrastructure centers which can be solved with the improvement of the agricultural marketers. “Rural Entrepreneurship may be described as entrepreneurship rising at village degree that can take region in quite a few fields of undertaking which include business, industry, agriculture and acts as a robust component for financial improvement”. But those rural marketers are struggling with numerous troubles like worry of risk, loss of finance, illiteracy, and opposition from the city marketers. These startups may be useful to growth the usual of dwelling and shopping electricity of the human beings via way of means of providing employment possibility to the human beings in villages. This paper is a try and recognize the significance of rural marketers for the financial increase withinside the rural improvement withinside the Satna district (M.P). This studies paper is primarily based totally at the secondary records for proving the position of marketers as a catalyst.


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