“Six Sigma application for optimizing the processes preceding surgery in an Operation theatre”


  • Ajeet Tiwari


Operation Theater is most the important for a hospital where numerous surgical procedures are carried out in an aseptic environment which are critical for both the patient and the hospital. Through optimum utilization of operation theatre while maintaining the standards, there will be increase in the revenue for the hospital and will have positive impact on patient satisfaction as operating time will be reduced. The study aims to optimize the existing process and sigma level in the operation theatre. Competition in healthcare sector are forcing to look for new ways of quality management and process improvement. Six Sigma is a disciplined, statistical-based, datadriven approach and continuous improvement methodology for eliminating defects in a product, process or service. It was developed by Motorola and Bill Smith in the early 1980’s based on quality management fundamentals, and then became a popular management approach at General Electric (GE) with Jack Welch in the early 1990’s (Anonymous). To reduce the errors and to move towards perfection, most of the corporate hospitals are now functioning at Three Sigma or Four Sigma quality levels. (Rohini et al., 2011)


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