Impact of Family Capital and Social Capital on Selected Beekeepers in Up Scaling of Beekeeping Venture (Entrepreneurship) Development in Punjab State, India.


  • Vikas bajpai* Rupinder Kaur Devinder Tiwari, Vipan Kumar Rampal


Beekeeping, beekeepers, agri-entrepreneurship, family capital, social capital


The Agri-Entrepreneurship is modern approach to run his farm on profitable manner. it had support to entrepreneur for imperative role in the process of economic growth and technological change in thier entreprise to sustainable development of the beekeeping sector in the leading agricultural state of India i.e. Punjab, entrepreneurship has to be promoted among beekeepers. Moreover, the impact of family capital and social capital that determine to assessment the start and up scaling beekeeping venture have to be analysed and explained. This study clearly inferred that the family capital and social capital determine beekeepers to engage in entrepreneurial activities. family capital and social capital in apiculture was as well analysed, but the survey revealed the fact that beekeepers that had positive impact on up scaled apiculture entreprise were more interested in starting a business that those who had been practicing apiculture for many years. The study reveals the fact that beekeepers from the punjab of india possess financial, physical and mental ( family ) that influence the performance and trust, social networking and reciprocity ( social ) both dimension capital result had observed potential of up scaling their beekeeping enterprise.


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