Effect of lubrication oil on friction of I C engine


  • Danesh Warad1 A P Singh2


Gasoline Engine, Lube oil, Friction losses, viscosity, temperature, power output


This work is carried out in a four cylinder 1800 cc gasoline engine for the friction losses due to the change of oil viscosity (Operating temperature). The engine has been tested with SAE 10W30 lube oil with temperature range of 70C to 110 C and subsequently measured the friction power of an engine in different rpm ranging from 800 to 4400 rpm. At low engine speeds the friction losses are decreased and similar phenomenon is observed with low viscosity (high oil temperature) of the oil. In internal combustion engines it is essential to analyze the friction power losses at various locations (Sub assemblies). The key challenge is to reduce the friction losses in these areas so to achieve better fuel efficiency and higher power output from the engine.


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