Estimation of Kapur Entropy Based Threshold Selection from Jaya Algorithm


  • S. Anbazhagan


Jaya algorithm, Kapur's Entropy, Multilevel thresholding, Soft computing


With a rapid expansion of image segmentation throughout the decades, the development of the scientific optimization as image segmentation is enormous on the segmentation. A need to organize the image thresholding arises to help medical imaging, detection, and recognition in making an informed decision about the image. Image segmentation dependent on computational intelligence approaches are utilized online to cluster the clinical imaging into positive or negative diagnosis. The proposed Jaya algorithm is relied upon to quickly get the top notch optimal thresholds are controlled by maximizing the Kapur entropy of various classes. Different from previous optimization techniques, Jaya algorithm has been utilized as a prime optimization method as it has been end up being a successful optimization when applied to different down to earth optimization issues and its execution is straightforward including less computational exertion. The technique has been tried on standard benchmark test images and the steady for all images even with the increase of the threshold. Numerical outcomes judgment shows that this algorithm is a promising choice for the multilevel image thresholding issue.


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