
  • Dr. Subhra Thakur Trilochan Mehto Dr.Smriti Kiran Saimons


- Family Environment, Mental Health, Adolescents.


The present study was intended to explore the influence of Family Environment on Mental Health of Adolescents Students. The study was carried in context of descriptive research method. The study is delimited to Ranchi District of Jharkhand state only. The study is limited to sample size of total 500 Higher Secondary School Students out of which 250 are boys and 250 are girls. Family Environment Scale developed by Shaloo Saini and Parminder Kaur. Mental Health Scale developed by Sushma Talesara and Akhtar Bano was used for data collection. The data was subjected to statistical treatment by using Product moment correlation, „t‟test and one way ANOVA.Result revealed that there is significant high positive correlation between Family Environment and Mental Health of Adolescents students. It has been found that, there is significant mean influence of good, average and poor Family Environment on Mental Health of Adolescents boy‟s students. It has been found that, there is significant mean influence of good, average and poor Family Environment on Mental Health of Adolescents girl‟s students. As well as there is no interactional influence of good, average and poor Family Environment on Mental Health of Adolescents boy‟s and girl‟s students. The result indicates that family factors play an important role in influencing the psychosocial adjustment, particularly the positive mental health, of adolescents.


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