A Systematic Review on Explicit and Implicit Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis


  • Mr.Sameer YadavraoThakur Dr.K.H.Walse Dr.V.M.Thakare


Sentiment analysis, Opinion mining, Implicit aspects, Explicit aspects recommendation system.


Opinion mining is also called as sentiment analysis is a branch of web mining and text mining that is the process of identifying and determining the orientation of individual web users regarding various products, services, social comments on social media, different e-commerce web sites, political issues, hotels, restaurants, emotions or sentiments of individual users about different entities and services of his / her interest on web or internet. OM or SA interchangeably can be used to monitor and build a recommendation system based on individual user’s reviews that can be document based, sentence based or aspect based on reviews. Extracting features or aspects of web based entities or services are a core task of SA. Aspects or features are broadly categorized as implicit and explicit features. The recommendation system based build with such functionality can enable users to improve buying or selling decisions, also it can improve market intelligence, improving manufacturing of products, improving services to users and so on. Most of the time reviews contain clear information (explicit) but, it may also contain information which is not clearly stated or hidden (implicit) that cannot be ignored as may lead to the wrong decision, or recommendation to individual users. This area has many challenging issues or problems that are still unaddressed or unsolved.


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