Employee Promotion System in Organizations: A Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector of North India


  • Dr. MAHENDER Pal


Promotion, Significant, Public, Private, Comparative, Organizations, Differences, Percent, Packages, Technique, Structured, Employees.


The present study has been based on primary data collected from 100 employees of Public and Private organizations established in North India. A self structured questionnaire was utilized for the purpose of data collection. The data was analyzed using the statistical technique independent sample‘t’ test through SPSS version 18. Reliability of the data so collected was checked by using Cronbach’s Alpha Reliability Co-efficient. The findings were tested at 0.05 percent level of significance for obtaining significant difference between promotion system in public and private organizations of north India. In the finding of the study, it has been found that there is significant difference in promotion system in public and private organizations of north India.


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