Deliberation on Religion and Science on Literary Platform: The Argumentation on Human Understanding About ‘Origin of Life’ in Dan Brown’s Origin (2017)


  • Dr. Sapanpreet Kaur Dr. Apruva Bakshi


Religion, Science, Literature, Evolutionary studies, Social science, Humanities


Evolutionary research has been expanding rapidly into every region of social sciences like psychology, sociology, linguistics, etc. because the central concept in evolutionary social science and evolutionary studies is 'human nature.‟ Literature and Science is relatively a new interdisciplinary field that aims to put into dialogue the existing disciplines of literature, science and religion in the hope of providing new knowledge about either past or present. This paper attempts to assert the compatibility of religion and science, through the literary platform presented in Dan Brown‟s fictional work Origin (2017) with the aim in mind that literature does not only set itself as an intermediate platform where science and religion indulge in tete-a-tete negotiation but also promulgates itself as a wider discipline to explore and indulge in evolutionary theory. The study has analysed the „selectiveness of reading literary‟ of protagonist Kirsch to conclude that study of literature should be included in the wider field of evolutionary theory.


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