
  • Dr. Richa Gupta


Economic development, economic policies, economic policies in India, economic growth, unemployment, economic inequality


Economic policies are basically the aims and objectives stated to be achieved using various instruments defined by the government towards economic growth. It is also called a structural response to resolve economic inequality and imbalances. In this article, we will get up-to-date insight to economic policies in India. This study determines the economic growth of India and factors which sustain the same, such as investment and savings, cross-border commerce, and productivity. All in all, we will discuss some major economic policies in detail which are important in the economic growth of the country. In order to fulfill the above objectives, this study will be based on secondary data collected from various online sources, journals, government reports, and others. It is observed that growing unemployment, individual and regional inequality, budget constraints, and infrastructure limitations are some of the major challenges behind slow economic growth.


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