Women Folk Songs of Southern Haryana: as a Cultural Connect


  • Dr. Rakesh Bharti Yadav
  • Dr.Rohan Shah


Folklore, subcultures, Articulations, celebration.


Folklore has many cultural aspects like stories, folk songs, oral history, proverbs, jokes, popular
beliefs and customs within a particular culture and subcultures. In Haryanvi culture at large and Ahirwal
subculture in particular the most historic is folksongs which show womens socio cultural status. Articulations
in folk songs reflect the womens perceptions, their social cognition, their fantasies and provide them a
cathartic space. Folk songs have come to be associated with a wide range of styles, influences and social
practices. They have become closely linked with an oral tradition in which songs are passed down through
generations without any formal transcription. Folk songs can play an important role in construction of social
identities. The association of songs with specific places means that the composition is often linked with
national or regional identity through its celebration of local events and landscapes. Folk songs from specific
rural localities have the potential to represent the lives, grievances and celebrations of those living in that
particular rural area. Listening to folk songs is a corporeal performance that has the potential to engage


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