
  • DR. AMITA MAHESHWARI Assistance teacher in junior high school of Basic Shiksha Parishad (U.P.)


Attitude, Prospective Teachers, Teaching Profession, Special B.T.C. and B.Ed. Institution, Perception.


The present study was undertaken to assess and compare the attitude towards teaching profession of B.Ed. and Special B.T.C. prospective teachers. A sample of 400 B.Ed. prospective teachers and 200 Special B.T.C. prospective teachers was drawn by using stratified random-sampling technique from 3 district of Rohilkhand regions. When attitude towards teaching profession of prospective teachers was considered as the dependent variable, the variable like gender, academic background and economic status were considered as independent variable. Attitude towards teaching profession was assessed by Teacher Attitude Inventory developed and standardized by S. P. Ahluwalia (2006). Mean, SD, and t-test were used for the analysis of the data. Research findings revealed that there is no significant difference in the attitude of B.Ed. and Special B.T.C. prospective teachers towards teaching profession on controlling their gender/ economic status or total. But on controlling academic background, B.Ed. prospective teacher of science stream had show better attitude towards teaching profession than their respective counterparts. No meaningful difference was found between the B.Ed. and Special B.T.C. prospective teacher of arts and commerce stream.


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