
  • SURJIT, ANIL, ANAMIKA, SUTAPA SINGH, BARLA, SHRIVASTAVA, BOSE Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata,Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal, India


Arsenic distribution, Contamination, Toxicity, Remediation, Transformation, Biogeochemical cycle


The toxic metalloid arsenic has drawn huge attention by the researchers worldwide for its long term  toxic effect on different classes of living organisms. Our review mainly focused on the contamination of arsenic by its distribution over different geographical locations specially in India and its toxic effects along with its remediation. The presence of arsenic in organic and inorganic form with several oxidation states makes it available to lower organisms like microorganisms to higher organisms like plants and animals. Microbes utilize As and converts it into volatile form which helps in remediating natural reservoirs. Plants like Pterisvittata, known for its high arsenic accumulating capacity provides a good scope for phyto-remediation. Along with it the study about detoxification by gene product of ArsC and ArsB  product has also been made in depth so that its remediation can improve on its way. 



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