
  • JAMEEL AHMAD , PROF A.A. ZILLI , DR. MOHD. RIZWAN BEG , DR. SHISH AHMAD CSE Department, Integral University, Lucknow, India


Computer Architecture, Wormhole routing, flit buffer, multicomputer, Mesh Network, Cost effective.


Efficient, cost effective and deadlock free routing of messages is crucial for the performance of directly connected network systems. Nodes of directly connected multicomputer systems communicate via message exchange. The wormhole routing has been proved the best switching technique in directly connected systems. The technique faces the challenges like flow control and deadlock avoidance. Deadlock avoidance is the key challenge in wormhole networks. Deadlock recovery is an alternative but on the cost of implications of deadlock detection mechanism and additional resources. The proposed work is an attempt to device a cost effective, efficient mechanism for deadlock recovery with fewer resources to optimize cost, and with reduced complexity to enhance performance.


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