
  • Alok Tiwari Assistant Professor Department of Urban and Regional Planning Faculty of Environmental Design King Abdul Aziz University,Jeddah,KSA Saudi Arabia


development, expansion, management, environmental, mobilization


Cities are repositioning themselves to play a pivotal role in the development of humanity; though because of rapid population growth and nonstop urban expansion; cities are stressed with a variety of challenges related to urban life such as urban planning and management, environmental management, urban safety, resource mobilization and utilization, urban health, energy efficiency, traffic management, social activities, recreation and entertainment. Letting down to cope with any of the aforesaid challenges might be a threat to the city's prosperity1and quality of life affecting its residents adversely hence 'Smart City' concept has been materialized as a problem-solving technological instrument to real urban world problems. Smart cities are also recognized as lively cities which can respond to resident's basic needs and aspirations in 'real time's. 


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