
  • INDIRA PRIYANAK VEERNALA Research Scholar, Center for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies, University Of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana State




Cuisine terms are an integral part of a community’s culture and language. Telugu language is rich in various types of cuisine terms. It is challenges to machine translate these terms from Telugu to English. Present paper analyses and describes a sub field of cuisine terms called boiling verbs through Machine Translation.

Following are the major findings based on boiling verbs in Telugu.

  1. The word ‘uduku’ ‘to boil’ stands in hypernimic relation to subsets which contain a large number of cooking verbs.
  2.  Boiling verbs are inter related to each other on the basis of semantic relations of synonymy, hyponymy, hypernymy and compatibility.
  3. Boling verbs the semantic components remain the same. There is only chase in the syntactic requirements.
  4.  Morphologically boiling verbs are formed in Telugu adding suffix ‘inchu’.
  5.  Some of the boiling verbs are marked by null subject phenomena in sentential context.


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