
  • SUKUMAR S, LAWRENCE MATHIAS .. Assistant professor and PhD student, Nitte Institute of physiotherapy, Deralakatte, Mangalore -575 018, Professor, Dept of Orthopedics, K.S. Hedge Medical Academy, Deralakatte, Mangalore - 575 018,


dry needling, intramuscular manual therapy, myofascial trigger points, adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder.


BACKGROUND: Myofascial trigger points formation in muscles of shoulder is one of
the reasons for pain and reduction in range of motion in adhesive capsulitis. This
study was conducted to evaluate the effects intramuscular manual therapy and
conventional physical therapy on improving shoulder abduction ROM in adhesive
METHODS: 50 subjects were randomly allocated into two groups and pre
intervention assessment was taken for pain and disability by using SPADI and
shoulder abduction ROM by goniometry. 25 subjects were received Intra Muscular
Manual Therapy (IMMT), and another 25 subjects were received Conventional
Physical Therapy (CPT) for one week duration.
RESUTS: The mean and standard deviation of post intervention SPADI score (10.76 ±
3.13) and shoulder abduction ROM (165.40 ± 6.10) was shown improvement
compared to pre intervention SPADI score (110.08 ± 7.44) and shoulder abduction
ROM (89.68 ± 11.99) in IMMT group. Mean and standard deviation of post
intervention SPADI score (23.84 ± 4.93) and shoulder abduction ROM (147.80 ±
10.34) was shown improvement compared to pre intervention SPADI (111.84 ± 5.16)
and shoulder abduction ROM (89.1 2 ± 8.16) in CPT group. Within group comparison
of SPADI score in IMMT and CPT was shown the statistically very high significance
(p=.000). Between group comparisons of SPADI score (U=92.5) was shown very high
significance. Paired and Independent t test results shown statistical significance
(p=.000) for shoulder abduction ROM.
CONCLUSION: This study results conclude that IMMT is more effective than CPT and
it can be used as a primary intervention tool in treating adhesive capsulitis.


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