
  • SHALINI LAKHERA, NAVJOT K KANWAL PARVEEN KUMAR JANJUA M..Sc (Forensic Science), Department of Criminology and Forensic Science, Dr.H.S.Gour Central Univ, Sagar. Corresponding Author: Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology and Forensic Science, Dr.H.S.Gour Central Univ, Sagar. PDF, Computer Centre, Punjab University, Chandigarh.


Disguised writings, Anonymous letters, threatening letters, standard writing, handwriting identification


Disguised writing is the one where the writer mask his identity by varying his
normal writing to betray the recipient, such types of handwritings are usually
encountered in the cases of anonymous letters, threatening letters, ransom note,
love letters etc. and poses a challenge to even an experienced document examiner
especially where handwriting sample is small or insufficient standards are
available. So the present work focuses on the study of various characteristic
features found in the disguised handwriting, results of which will surely be useful
for various investigative agencies, Handwriting experts for analyzing such writings.
Study has been carried out on a total of 40 handwriting samples (20 male or 20
female) obtained from the students of Dr .Harisingh Gour Central University,
Sagar (Madhya Pradesh, India) studying in different disciplines (graduate and
postgraduate level). Samples were taken on A-4 size paper, where volunteers were
asked to give three handwritings of a common paragraph and then they were
asked to repeat same paragraph by disguising their handwriting. Various selected
features of disguise were studied, taking care all the principle of handwriting
identification and using the necessary scientific aids like magnifying glass, scale,
protector etc. Analysis included the gross and fine analysis of collected samples.



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Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Available online at

Volume 3, Issue 12, November 2014

ISSN: - 2348-0459

An international double – blind peer reviewed, refereed and Indexed Journal with Impact Factor 1.927

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