
  • Dr. S. K. Singh .. ..




„…..oh heavens. If you do love old men…. …If you yourselves are old. Make it your cause……..”
- Shakespeare
No human being likes solitude. There is an intrinsic tendency to look upon the aged individuals as one who has lived out just about all of his life with merely vegetative needs and no real hunger for recognition or identity. The feeling of being unwanted, beyond the prime, past one‟s usefulness all these weigh heavily upon the ageing. The economic needs of foods, shelter and clothing of the aged are modest. In most cases the resources of the aged are negligible, having been consumed in toto in the bringing up of their children. Most aged silently pray for an early end of their lives.


Aldridge, G.J. : ―Old Age as Social Problem‖ Journal of Public Law,Vol. 2, 1953 p. 333-339. See, Sridhar, B. : ―Old Age can be Made Happy‖ Social Welfare, Vol 21 No. 11, 1975p. 9-10. Also see, Srivastava, C. L. ― Ageing ― Social Welfare, Vol 22 No. 11, 1976p. 9+; Srivastava, Vinay Kumar : Ageism‖ Seminar, Vol 488, 2000p. 21-25. 2. O.R. Singh, ―Plans and Policies for the Aged‖(1999) 46 No. 4 Social Welfare, 30-31 at 30.

Bardhan, Asim : ―Life Begins at Sixty:‖ Social Welfare, Vol 46, No. 6, 1999p, 11-15. See, Singh, A. J.: ―The Sunset Years‖ Social Welfare, Vol 48 No. 7, 2001p.12-14; Singh, Karan : ―Ageing : A Phenomenon‖ IICQ, Vol 27 No. 2, 2000p.133-138. 4 . Sen, Indra : ―The Problem of Old Age‖ Advent, Vol. 28 No. 4, 1971, p.48-50. 5 . S.C. Thakur, ―Will Someone Care for Them‖ (1990) 37 No. 6 Social Welfare, 20-21 at 20. 6 . Shah, A. M. : ―Changing Family and their Impact on the Elderly‖ HelpAge India – Res. and Dev. Journal, Vol 6 No. 2, 2000p.32-38. 7 . Sarala, R.B. and Others : ―Neglect of Elders – A Social Problem‖ Social Welfare , Vol 50 No. 7, 2003p. 14-16.

. Ahmad, Mahmood : ―When is the Man Really Old ?‖ Social Welfare,Vol. 16 No. 6, 1969p.13+. 9 . Ramamurthi, P.V. : ―Problems of Older People – An Analysis of Age Trends ―Psychological Studies, Vol 15 No. 2, 1970p. 128-130. See, Ramamurthi, P.V. : ―The Psycho-Social Scenario of the Elderly: Problems, Priorities and Perspectives‖ HelpAge India – Res. and Dev. Journal, Vol 3 No. 1, 1996p. 3-9. 10 . Soodan, Kirpal Singh: ―Economic Status of Aged‖ Social Welfare, Vol 20 No. 6, 1973p. 22-23. 11 . Sathayarathi, K. and Others : ―The Aged and the Mental Health Problems‖ Social Welfare, Vol 23 No. 7, 1976p. 11-13+ 12 . Sari, P.T. and H. Sam : ―Old People Living in Home for the Aged : A Study of Certain Variables of Adjustment‖ Psychological Studies, Vol 27 No. 2, 1982p. 77-80.

. Sehgal, M. N. : ―They Need Love – Not Sympathy‖ Co-operators Bulletin, Vol 43 No. 1-2, 2000p. 8+. 14 . Sharma, P. S. : ―Treat them With Dignity and Love‖ Social Welfare, Vol 27 No. 4, 1980p. 203+.
