Life Affecting Variables: “A Study among Saurs”


  • Ashish Gupta Sagar University


For the promotion of research in various field of Anthropology, it is the task of the researcher to continually monitor trends of research and identify fresh set of priorities in tune with the changing times and emerging needs of the discipline. Today, Physical or Biological Anthropology has developed rapidly in its scope and techniques. A number of sub disciplines have developed enlarging the areas of research as well as improved greatly the quality of research. The stereotype of physical anthropologists digging ancient bones or traveling around the World collecting anthropological data etc has undergone vast change. Physical Anthropologists have modified their techniques to meet challenges of medical research especially in the areas of Health and development. The ascent of Health is underlying in the preamble of the constitution of the World Health Organisation: “The enjoyment of the highest attainable standards of Health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion. political belief, economic and social conditions.” In the world of globalization of disease and culture of capitalism there is nowhere in the planet that is remote and no one from whom we are totally disconnected. No country, however rich can insulate itself from the rest of the world nor avoid the risk of emerging infectious diseases. Health research has been immensely beneficial for human well being as witnessed by the contributions it has made to extending life span and quality of life for people in many countries in the last century





