
  • Miss Ritu Sen (OIMT DAMOH)
  • Dr. Sourabh Jain HOD EX Dept OIMT DAMOH MP
  • Mr. Anand Swaroop Khare OIMt DAMOH MP


Adaptive DCT, Digital Image Watermarking MSE, PSNR


With the development of information digitalization and internet, digital media increasingly predominate over traditional analog media. The proliferation of digitized media due to the rapid growth of networked multimedia systems has created an urgent need for copyright enforcement technologies that can protect copyright ownership of multimedia objects. Digital image watermarking is one such technology that has been developed to protect digital images from illegal manipulations. In particular, digital image watermarking algorithms which are based on the Adaptive discrete wavelet transform have been widely recognized to be more prevalent than others. This is due to the wavelets' excellent spatial localization, frequency spread, and multi-resolution characteristics, which are similar to the theoretical models of the human visual system. This method of watermarking is found to be robust and the visual watermark is recoverable without only reasonable amount of distortion even in the case of attacks. Thus the method can be used to embed copyright information in the form of a visual watermark or simple text.


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