
  • neetu yadav


Teacher reflection, Research on teaching, Qualitative methodology, Inquiry, Meta-analysis


For decades a substantial body of research on teacher reflection and action has been
conducted. This research contains a wealth of information on teachers‘ thinking about their
daily work in classrooms. But what do these studies tell us about the linkage between thought
and action in actual teaching? How do they contribute to our understanding, or do they, in the
very selection of their methods,‘ tell only half the story‘? To address these concerns, we have
engaged in a critical appraisal to learn about the scope and limitations of research
contributions and identify criteria that may shed light on exactly what aspects of teacher
learning and development are being studied. This appraisal uses an analytic framework to
position the various studies that have been conducted. From our analysis, which focuses on
the validity criterion of closeness between type of research question and data collection
methods, we conclude that the research would profit from a set of more detailed criteria to
address some of the limitations inherent in approaches to studying teacher reflection and


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