
  • Subhashchandra Rai, Bhagawan, Sukumar S, Dhanesh Kumar K U Assistant Professor, Nitte Institute of Physiotherapy, Deralakatte, Mangalore Professor, Dept of Medicine, KSHEMA, Deralakatte, Mangalore Assistant Professor, Nitte Institute of Physiotherapy, Deralakatte, Mangalore Professor, Nitte Institute of Physiotherapy, Deralakatte, Mangalore


Venous Ulcers. Therapeutic Ultrasound, Laser Therapy, Wound Healing, Photo Therapy.



Venous ulcer is the most common complication in the later stages of venous disorders among both the genders. The overall functioning of the skin and other soft tissues are reduced due to reduction in microcirculation and delay in the healing process of respective tissues.

Materials and methods: 177 subjects diagnosed with venous ulcers of the legs were allocated in three groups and first was treated with low level laser therapy, second group treated with therapeutic ultrasound, and third group treated with conventional treatments for a period of four weeks. The data was described in the form mean and standard deviation and intervention effects among three groups were analysed using analysis of variance.

Results and Discussion: The mean of 4th week post intervention wound size in all three groups (LASER: 19.86, UST: 19.22, CON: 14.45) was reduced compared to the pre intervention wound size (LASER: 24.65, UST: 20.48, CON: 15.54). The inferential statistical results of repeated measures of ANOVA also suggesting that all three groups were improved after the four weeks of interventions and the new intervention with laser therapy shown that there was very high statistical significance with the p-value of 0.000.

Conclusion: Study results suggesting that low level laser therapy may produce better wound healing than therapeutic ultrasound and conventional treatments. 



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