
  • Rakesh K Saroj, Mukesh Kumar Ajay Kumar, Dr. K Narasimha Murthy IMS-BHU, Varanasi, BBAU, Lucknow, BBAU, Lucknow, IMS-BHU, Varanasi


Microalbuminuria, Poisson and Negative-binomial, type 2 diabetes


The microalbuminuria is defined as small quantities of albumin in the urine. It is highly prevalent in type 2 diabetic population and useful to measure the severity of kidney damage. The objective of this work is to apply different models and approach on the sampled microalbuminuria value in the type 2 diabetes drug effect comparison. This work is contributed to compare the drug viz. (i) Metformin and Pioglitazone and (ii)Pioglitazone with Gliclazide to reduce the albumin level among the type 2 diabetes patients. The biochemical parameter of interest microalbuminuria has been observed in this work in three follow up visits of each patients. The second and third observations of each patient have been considered in third and twelve months in sequence of baseline visit. A Poisson and Negative-binomial model have been applied for studying the presence of microalbuminuria in urine among the type 2 diabetes patients. The effect of drug treatment viz. (i) Metformin with Pioglitazone and (ii) Pioglitazone with Gliclazide, have been compared in a clinical trial of type 2 diabetes patients in the present study. It has been found that Metformin with Pioglitazone is more effective to reduce the microalbuminuria as compared to Pioglitazone with Gliclazide.


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