
  • Satyajeet Singh Kosariya , Moyna Chakravarty Research scholar S.o.S. in Anthropology, Pt. R.S.S. University, Raipur (C.G.) 492010. Professor S.o.S. in Anthropology, Pt. R.S.S. University, Raipur (C.G.) 492010.


Infant mortality, Bhunjia tribe, Scheduled tribe, Chhattisgarh.


Back ground: Infant mortality is an important and sensitive indicator of child health and development of a community (planning commission, 2006). It also reflects the general standard of living of the people and effectiveness of intervention programmes for improving maternal and child health of a community.

Objective: To assess the infant mortality rate among Bhunjia tribe of Gariyaband district of Chhattisgarh state.

Methods: An empirical study was conducted among Bhunjia tribe of Gariyaband district of Chhattisgarh state. Data was collected from 129 Bhunjia women registered at anganwadi centre of Gariyaband district. Data was collected with the help of semi-structured interview schedule. Availability of health facilities was gathered by group discussion. Non-participatory observation technique was also used wherever necessary. Qualitative method was used for data analysis.

Result: The Present investigation showed that IMR among Bhunjia was 123.71and MMR was 1030.92. Out of the total 98 conception 97 (98.97%) resulted in live birth, 1 (1.03%) stillbirth, 11.22% infant deaths and 87.75% infant survival at the time of survey.


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