
  • Dr. Seshagiri Rao Regulagadda Dr. Dasari Kejiya UGC, Post Doctoral Fellow Department of Philosophy School of HumanitiesUniversity of Hyderabad, Hyderabad – 500046 India Lecturer in English Department of English S.V.K.P Degree College Markapur – 523316 Prakasam District Andhra Pradesh, India


philosophy, equality, humanity, interpretation, significant.


Ambedkar's philosophy of Human rights can be explained in the broader paradigm of liberty, equality and Justice. Ambedkar was one of the eminent philosopher who tried to show   the real path of humanity. His perspective on human progress and social transformation will be seen in his writings.  His interpretation of religion and Dalit liberation are two significant forms in order to learn a common ideal value system of human rights. It would  promote the justice and social welfare, the cultural transformation of the mind, mental freedom and psychological empowerment of Dalits.


Notes and References

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