
  • Biplab Lagardo Dr. P.J. Goswami Research Scholar Department of Commerce Assam University Associate Professor Department of Commerce Assam University




Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus lam) is an evergreen plant of the Tropical region. It belongs to the family of Moraceae. It is accepted as the world’s largest and heaviest fruit. It is indegeneous to India and is widely grown in Bangladesh, Burma, Srilanka, Malasia, Indonesia, Phillipines, Brazil and other Tropical countries.Jackfruit is also found in East Africa e.g. Uganda, Tanzania and Mauritius as well as throughout Brazil and Caribbean nations such as Jamaica. Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh and is one of the three auspicious fruits of Tamil Nadu in India along with mango and banana.Jackfruit  is very extensively grown all over the state of Tripura. Favourable with the climate and soil of the state, along with one of the most favourite demanded fruit among the people, almost every house has atleast one jackfruit tree growing in the compound. It is rarely grown in plantations in the here but preferred very much in homesteads as a shade tree or as a mixed crop. Therefore, estimate of actual area under this crop is not available. However, as per the records of the Department of Horticulture and Soil Conservation, Govt. of Tripura, the estimated area under jackfruit is about 9012 hectatares with production of 2,69,404 metric tonnes in the year 2012-13.

Objectives of the Study:

The following were the broad objectives which were set for the purpose of the study:

i.To analyse the trends of jackfruit production from 2002 to 2012(the period of Perspective Plan for Horticulture Development in Tripura, Govt. of Tripura)

ii.To study the various uses of Jackfruit

iii.To understand the various problems associated with jackfruit cultivation and marketing in Tripura

iv.To identify the prospects of jackfruit growing in the state


`(Artocarpus) Cultivar J33 during storage., Journal of Applied Science, 9(17); 3202-3204

APAARI. 2012. Jackfruit Improvement in the Asia-Pacific Region – A Status Report. Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions, Bangkok, Thailand. 182 p.

.‘Jackfruit’ Ken Love & Robert E. Parl, Journal of Fruits & Nuts, June,2011,F-N-19

Addition’S. Priya Devi Sunetra Talaulikar Mathala Juliet Gupta M.Thangam N. P. Singh ‘A guide on Jackfruit Cultivation and Value , Technical Bulletin No.41, ICAR Research Complex for Goa, ICAR, Old Goa.

Akinmulimi, A.H. (2006), Nuritive Value of Raw and Processed Jackfruit seeds: (A.H): Chemical Analysis, Agricultural Journal 1(4):266-271, Medwell Online,2006, accessed on Aug.26,2014)

Kumuro,A.C et al, (2012)Preparation of Wine from jackfruit (AHL) juice using baker yeast: Effect of yeast & initial sugar concentrates, World applied Sciences Journal 16 (9) , IDOSI Publication,2012

Chadha, Y.R., (1985), The Wealth of India-Raw Materials, Publication and Information Directorate, CSIR, New Delhi

Directorate of Horticulture &Soil Conservation, Govt. of Tripura, Annual Reports


