
  • MamataChandrakar Shital Dharmik Department of Zoology, ShikshaMandal’sJankidevi Bajaj College of Science, Wardha


Chick embryos, EMF, mobile phones, developmental anomaly, mortality.


The rapidly increased use of mobile phones has caused the general concern on the possible health hazards on human being and on other animals. There had been so many researches going on EMF exposure and its effects. Some studies concluded that EMF affects on genes, caused oxidative stress. It also showed some effects on immune system and might be carcinogenic also. While some studies concluded that exposure of Electromagnetic frequencies didn’t affect biological systems at all. The present work was put forward to study the effects of exposure of electromagnetic fields from mobile phones on survival, development as well as general growth of chick embryo. Fertile hen eggs of ‘Rhode Island Red’ species were divided as control group (Group A=18) and experimental group (Group B=18). Both the groups were incubated in the separate incubators at temperature 37°C. The experimental group had treated with an active mobile phone during incubation. The cell phone was kept on silent ringing mode and rang for 15 minutes each four times daily from other mobile phone. The control as well as experimental embryos were extracted on 7th and 14th day of incubation. The developmental anomalies and survival rate of experimental group was compared with that of control group.  The growth rate of experimental group is higher than control group. Also deformities were seen in limb development, eye formation, neck curvature and abnormalities in beak were seen in experimental group. It was concluded that EMF exposure might caused developmental anomalies, increased body weight, length and increased mortality rate in chick embryos.


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