Selected Component of Anthropometric Variables among Volleyball, Kabaddi and Hockey Players


  • Dr. Tripti Singhai, Atul W. Sawdawkar *Junior Scientific Officer (Anthropometry) Sports Authority of India, NSSC, Bangalore ** Volleyball Coach, Mumbai Port Trust, MbPT


Anthropometric variables, Volleyball, Kabaddi, Hockey


The purpose of this study was to compare the selected anthropometric variables of the male players of Volleyball, Kabaddi and Hockey players. Thirty sportsperson (Volleyball=10, Kabaddi=10 and Hockey=10) of age group 20 -37 years were selected from Sports Authority of India, NSSC, Bangalore. The entire participant was assessed height, body weight, breadth, girths and skinfold thickness. All the values of anthropometrical variables were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. One-way ANOVA was used to find out the significant difference between each game. The volleyball players were found to have tallest (p<0.01) among the other groups, body weight and LBM (p<0.05) as compared to Hockey players. Volleyball players possess greater bone mass as compared to other groups  Kabaddi players had significantly greater body fat and muscularity (p<0.05) as compared to Hockey players. The findings of this present study might be useful in future investigation on players’ selection, talent identification of the game and its training programme development.


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