Customers Behavior Towards Counterfeit Products-A Case Of Solan Town In Himachal Pradesh


  • Ravi Kumar, R. K. Shukla K. C. Rojhe Research Scholar, Shoolini University, Solan, H.P., INDIA Assistant Professor, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Shoolini University, Solan, H.P., INDIA. Associate Professor, faculty of Management Sciences& Liberal Arts, Shoolini University, Solan, H.P., INDIA.


Counterfeit, products, attitude, buying, behavior


ABSTRACT:-Purpose- The aim of this study is to understand attitude and buying behavior of the customers towards counterfeit products.

Method- Out of 200 respondents a total of 193 participants completed the questionnaire which was comprised of three sections. Section 1 composed of 14 questions and section 2 contained 5 questions related to attitude and buying behavior towards purchasing of counterfeit products respectively. Section 3 comprised of 5 questions for data collection regarding demographics of the respondents. Chi-Square was used for the analysis of data.

Main Results- The result of the study proves that gender, age, education, income and profession have positive attitude towards counterfeit products. But in some cases gender variable found non-significant relationship with buying counterfeits is committing crime, counterfeit products do not hurt the economy and profession variable found insignificant relationship with people buy counterfeits in retaliation to unfair practices of big businesses respectively. Similarly, the results indicated that gender, age, education, income and profession are the factors which positively affect the buying behavior of the customers towards counterfeit products. Whereas, gender variable found non-significant relationship with respect to purchasing counterfeit products in the past year.


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