Necessity To Study Shallow Subsurface Soil: A Review Of Literture


  • Neelakshi Hazarika Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Digboi College, Digboi-786171, Tinsukia, Assam


Bulk density, permeability, porosity, particle density, conductivity, total soluble salts, acid insoluble


The study of subsurface soil, clay and ground water is essential for better understanding of the soil from geochemical, physical and engineering point of view as well as their uses in construction and agricultural purpose. The physical, chemical and engineering parameters of soils from various part of India were studied by many scientists. These properties include permeability, bulk density, porosity, particle density, pH, conductivity, total soluble salts, acid insoluble, loss on ignition. The geochemical criteria of the subsurface material and their suitability for future development work could be best understood with the help the results obtained. This paper is a review paper based on secondary data. Some other engineering properties soil like plastic limits, shrinkage limit may also be studied for better understanding of the soil. The clays isolated from the soil can be characterized and can further be modified and their catalytic activities can also be studied. Further they may be modified to some potential value added products.


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