Projection Of Infant Mortality Rate: Application Of Life Expectancy


  • Anupama Singh, Prof. K.N.S. Yadava Km. Priti Research scholar Professor Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University Research Scholar Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University


Infant mortality rate, Child mortality rate, Linear regression, Life Expectancy at birth and Millennium development goals.


The present study is an attempt to project Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) using the concept of Life Table. The method of linear regression has been used to project future IMR in India and its states under the assumption that there exists a linear relationship between Infant Mortality Rate and Life Expectancy at Birth. The regression model provided a consistent estimate of IMR in relation to life expectancy at birth and hence a reliable projection of IMR.


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SRS Bulletin, December 2011, Volume. 46. No.1. Registrar General of India





