Construction Of Anti Omp Immobilized Nanoporous Membrane Based Electrochemical Biosensor For The Detection Of E. Coli


  • Manjul Mungali1*, Veena Pandey, Mohommad K. P. Singh Department of Biotechnology, Kumaun University, Bhimtal Campus, Bhimtal, India Defense Institute of Bioenergy Research (DIBER), DRDO, Gaura Parao, Haldwani, India Bionanotechnology & Nanobiosensor Research Laboratory, Biophysics Unit, CBSH, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar-263145, India.


E. coli, electrochemical biosensor, impedance, nanoporous membrane, FTIR


The present work was to develop an electrochemical biosensor for the rapid detection of E. coli (DH5α) OmpA antigen. Here, we utilize carbodiimide based strategies to crosslink antibodies on amine-functionalized platforms for diagnostic applications. The main objective of this study was to optimize the surface of nanoporous polycarbonate trek etched membrane (PCTE) to provide efficient binding of anti- OmpA (mouse anti Escherichia coli 03 (NTCC 9003) antibody and to exploit sensing surface for the detection of OmpA antigen (Escherichia coli DH5 alpha (1652)), as an alternative diagnostic test. The PCTE membrane was characterized by infrared spectroscopy. The inferred spectra shows specific peak of functionalization of PCTE membrane by carbodiimide (EDC-NHS) by converting terminal carboxylic group to an active NHS ester to bind antibodies ( Ab) (mouse anti Escherichia coli 03 (NTCC 9003)) at 1772 cm-1 (C=O vibrations), 1406 cm-1  and 1079 cm-1 (C-OH vibrations), and 766 cm-1 (OCN vibrations); while peaks on 3387 cm-1(N-H stretch), 1639 cm-1 (C=O) and 1567 cm-1 (NH2 wag) exhibits specific Ab-Ag (OmpA (Escherichia coli DH5 alpha (1652)) interaction.  We used a specially designed electrochemical biosensor setup for impedance measurement to monitor Ab-Ag interaction. The limit of detection of constructed electrochemical biosensor was 10ng/ml.


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