
  • Sunil kumar rajak, Rajeev Chandak Student M.E Structural Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering Jabalpur Engineering College Professor, Department of Civil Engineering Jabalpur Engineering College Jabalpur India


Ordinary Portland Cement, Silica Fume, Steel Fiber, Bond Strength. Universal, Testing Machine


The aim of this paper is to study the behavior of M-30 grade of concrete to determine the bond strength by partially replacement of cement by mineral admixture such as silica fume and also added steel fiber. Cement was partially replaced by silica fume in 0%,10% and 20% by weight. The tests were performed according to Bureau of Indian standards ( IS : 2770 ( Part I ) ). The results thus obtained were compared and examined with respect to the control specimen. The optimum percentage of partially replacing cement by silica fume was 10% which showed the maximum improvement in bond.


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