
  • Dr. Mohan Lal Arya’ Assistant Professor Department of Education School of Social Sciences and Computer Application IFTM University, Delhi Road, Moradabad




This study was examined the relationship between principal’s administrative behaviour and senior secondary school’s effectiveness in Moradabad district. In the present study the investigator was used Survey method. The population of the study consisted of all the teachers and principals of the government and public senior secondary schools in Moradabad district. The sample was however made up of 600 teachers and 30 principals from 30 senior secondary schools across Moradabad District. Multistage, simple and stratified random sampling techniques were used to select the schools and the teachers for the study. The two sets of instruments were used to collect the data for the present study. The collected data were analyzed using frequency, percentage scores and Pearson product-moment correlation method. The hypothesis formulated was tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that the behaviour of principals in the study area was satisfactorily encouraging. The study also showed that the schools were effective in the affective and the psychomotor fields but not all that effective in the cognitive field. The study further showed significant relationship between principal’s Administrative behaviour and senior secondary schools effectiveness. On the bases of the findings, it was recommended that the principals of schools should not relevant in sustaining the temp of their Administrative behaviour. It was also recommended that all in the senior secondary school education as well as the government should try to uphold the level of performance of students in the affective and psychomotor field. 


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Dr. Mohan Lal ‘Arya’, (2014) ^^“kSf{kd iz”kklu ,oa izcU/ku^^] Surya Publication (R. Lall Book Depot), Meerut.





