
  • Ramya Deshapande Mr. Madhusudana. V. S MBA IV Semester MBA Programme Gm Institute Of Technology P.B. Road Davanagere-577006 Assistant Professor Mba Programme Gm Institute Of Technology P.B. Road Davangere-577006


Emotional Intelligence, Creativity, Employee Performance.


Emotional intelligence (EI) is how to use emotions effectively to achieve goals, build relationships and achieve success. Goleman (2000) defines emotional intelligence as the ability to recognize our own feelings and the feelings of others, ability to motivate you, and the ability to manage emotions well in ourselves and in conjunction with others. Emotional intelligence is a multidimensional concept. The dimensions are self-awareness, self-management, and social-awareness and relationship management.

The objective of the study is to understand the association between the experience of employee and Concept of Emotional Intelligence and Creativity in Schneider Electric India Private Limited, Bengaluru. The Study is carried out for 10 Weeks with 14 Departments and Surveyed 50 Employees of Various Levels at IDF 1 Division. The Major respondents are from Engineering and Technology background. The Study reveals there is significant association between Experience of an Employee and Know how emotions impact Employee Performance as well as there is an association between creativity Training Programmes on Creative Performance with Employee Experience.


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