UKM TESL Undergraduates Motivation & Attitudes towards (ESL): An overview


  • Indira Malani A/P Munusamy M.Ed TESL Student, Faculty of Education Universtiti Kebangsaan Malaysia 46300 Bangi, Selangor.


attitudes, motivation, English as Second language (ESL), language learning, undergraduates


The Objective of this paper is to identify the learner’s motivation and attitude towards English as second language (ESL) among the TESL undergraduates in the vicinity of the national University of Malaysia (UKM), Bangi. In relevance to the current study, numerous studies have investigated the relationship between students’ motivation and their attitudes towards language learning. However, very few research studies focus on learner’s motivation and attitudes in the tertiary education especially in the Malaysian context. The rising importance of English as evidence in the new National Education Blueprint calls for immediate attention to students low proficiency problems. In this study, a total of five undergraduates who were from the TESL program were randomly chosen from different year of study. A qualitative methodology was employed. The findings from the study suggest that the motivation and attitudes plays a critical role in determining the how the success rate of a learner in the process of language learning. Apart from that, the findings from this suggest that the demographic background influences on their motivation and attitudes towards learning the English language. 


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