
  • Somesh Kumar Sinha Dr. Priyanka Verma Research Scholar, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, India, Asst Professor Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal, India,


Sale Promotion, Customer perceived Value, Customer satisfaction


The modern marketing practices heavily rely on sales promotion activities. Researches give importance to study about sales promotion because sales promotion activities carry very big proportion on marketing expenditure of any firm. Researchers have done study on various aspect of sales promotion but how the sales promotion activities are accountable to gain consumer satisfaction is not very much studied. This research paper concentrates on studying about the contribution of sales promotion to gain consumer satisfaction. Central thought of this research paper is the value perceived by the customers because sales promotion leads to gain customer satisfaction. For this study Primary data was collected from respondents of Bhopal city through questionnaire designed for a sample of 170 respondents by using the survey method. Stratified Random sampling method is used for data collection. Customer responses are collected using Likert-type scale. Our finding reveals that the customer perceives value because of sales promotion and it leads to satisfaction. This research paper tries to prove the importance of sales promotion activities in generating customer satisfaction. This finding has great implication for marketer to understand the consumer psychology because it reveals that sales promotion is not only short term boost up tool for marketing practices as it generate customer satisfaction so it can be used for long term also according to need of organization and market.


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