
  • Nayan Khare AnandSwaroopKhare,Sourabh Ku OIMT Damoh HOD Department Of Electronics & Communication Engg OIMT Damoh


simulation, complexity, power


PAPR can be described by its complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF). In thisprobabilistic approach certain schemes have been proposed by researchers. These includeclipping, coding and signal scrambling techniques. Under the heading of signal scramblingtechniques there are two schemes included. Which are Partial transmit sequence (PTS) andSelected Mapping (SLM). Although some techniques of PAPR reduction have been summarized

in [5], it is still indeed needed to give a comprehensive review including some motivations ofPAPR reductions, such as power saving, and to compare some typical methods of PAPRreduction through theoretical analysis and simulation results directly. An effective PAPRreduction technique should be given the best trade-off between the capacity of PAPR reductionand transmission power, data rate loss, implementation complexity and Bit-Error-Ratio (BER) performance etc.


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