A Comparative Study Of Quality Of Work Life Among Teaching And Non- Teaching Employees Of Professional Institutes In Indore


  • Dr. Udaivir Sharma


Understand, Learner, Essential.


In this science and technology oriented society every citizen should be able to understand the role of science. The study of the science is helpful to acquire knowledge and skills for learners’ future life and occupation. This is essential for achieving concrete results in terms of economic and social progress.


Best. J.W. Kahn V. James: Research in Education Tenth Edition.

Best J.W. Research in Education New Delhi Percentile Hall of India.

Ediger Marlow, Rao, D.Bhaskara: Scientific attitude Vis-à-vis. scientific aptitude.

Srivastav Arti: Study of Learning Styles of Secondary Schools Students with scientific attitude and their achievement in science.

Rao, D. Bhaskara, Latha. D. pushpa: Achievement in science.

Leary Zina O’: The Essential Guide to doing Research.

National Council of Education Research Training: Physics text book for XIth Class (Vol. –I).

Singh A.K.: Test, Measurement & Research Method in behavioural sciences (Bharti Bhavan Publisher & Distributors), Thakur Road, Patna.

Dani. D. P. (1984) Scientific attitude and cognitive style of higher secondary students in M.B. Butch (Ed.)Fifth Survey of Research in Education (1983-88) New Delhi; N.C.E.R.T. Publication.

Dubey, K.K.(1992) A study of the scientific temper and its measurement in J.P. Sharma (Ed.)Fifth survey of Research in Education (1988-92) Vol.-I, New Delhi; N.C.E.R.T. Publication.

[Correspondence Address-A/18, Staff Awas, Gurugovind Singh Sports College, Kursi Road, Luckmow- 226026

Mobile No.-9412675389

E-mail Address- Udaivir.sharma@gmail.com]





